My daughter who is non-verbal has this toy that is a drum and on it is this yellow button star to start its play cycle over if it has gone to sleep. It is one of her favorite toys when you hit it when on this one setting it eventually lights up and in a pleasant male voice says, “You’re Great!”
One of the ways she reaches out to my son and I for social interaction is to hand us this sleeping toy. It is this game where my son and I try to get her to start it herself while she is trying to get us to do it for her. She giggles every time we allude to her being totally capable of doing it herself.
I changed the game between her and I where I say, “How does this work again? Do I need to push the yellow star?”
She giggles and looks at me expectantly.
I sigh, “I am sorry, I can’t push it, as you know I am allergic to touching yellow things.”
She picks up her huge yellow bee and hands it to me and I wince and mock pretend it is a problem. She laughs hard at this.

Today my son was with me and her, he laughed when I said the allergy thing he said, “Mom, are you like the Green lantern?”
I cocked my head, “The Green Lantern is allergic to yellow?”
He nods, “Yeah, in the lore, yellow is fear.”
“That is odd since yellow is a base color for green. What is blue?”
He thinks a second and says, “It is hope, Oooooo deep!”
My daughter laughs as we go into the whole idea of how innovation and creativity is motivated a lot by these too things. And the Green Lantern is all about creative brave solutions. We conquer fear by using hope to find a way to change a situation and conquer fear.