When I was young every once in awhile a friend in the midst of some fervor in a belief system would look at me and ask me. “What do you believe in?”
I would do an appraising glance and pause and say something to the effect of “The power that has showed the most in my life. The one I notice and see daily is entropy.”
As days go by and things move forward in time. Everything falls apart somewhere including me. It is a fact I am reminded of when my hubris of building or achieving something happens.
This past weekend was one of those hammers of Entropy that make me laugh so hard I cry. Parts of me dissolve and the Depeche Mode song Blasphemous Rumors chorus starts playing in my head.
About a month ago my washer started making the noise the Tardis makes. I realized it was breaking and I was about to have a seven day stretch with Hannah with no way of getting to a store so I took the initiative bought new one. It would take a week to before it was delivered.
I kept my fingers crossed that nothing would happen that the old machine would keep working until the new one was delivered. It worked to my surprise
Life with Hannah is full of laundry I use a machine daily several times a day. She soils her bed and her clothes every night. There are things that happen in the day where she requires complete changing of clothes. She is allergic to bleach and paper products, so where you would use a tissue, napkin, toilet paper or paper towel, I use washcloths. Sometimes she disconnects from her feeding tube and we end up with more laundry.
Well, my new washing machine stopped working on the first day of a completely different 7 day stretch of having Hannah. In the past when stuff like this happened when she was at school I would go to a laundry mat. I can’t do that right now during the pandemic.
I luckily had caught completely up before it happened. When I went to call the manufacturer my LAN line had gone down and then my internet. I have called the manufacturer: yes, it is in warranty, yes I have a work ticket, no idea when they are coming. It broke on a weekend. I was hoping it would update yesterday, with a time and place. But, I get it was the first working day of a new year. I will call tomorrow if I hear nothing today.
The thing is I still have to do laundry. Hannah can’t stop being who she is why I wait for repair people.
I started the first night handwashing her bedding in our bathtub. It is this half hour with a long piece of wood I use as a laundry paddle with packing tape at the end so I can agitate the bedding in scolding hot water and detergent, and not get splinters. I then let is soak another 20 minutes agitate more. Let it drain. Fill the tub with cold clean water. Agitate again like before. I am thankful I have running water and I don’t need to go to a river somewhere to do this. Once I drain it I made a makeshift rack so after I ring the clothes out I let them sit another half hour on this rack over the tub to help get more water out so I don’t break my dryer.
I then break them into 3 items a piece into the dryer. But this has become this fun moment the handle on my dryer broke 2 days before that. LOL, I use a screwdriver to open that now.
Yesterday, Gabriel’s office chair broke in the middle of his class.
I did complete the rough draft of my second novel and a novella at the end of last year. This might be my reminder to take one day at a time.

P.S. Shout Out to two heroes. My daughter’s Caregiver, Sam
who took on her self to take a load two days this week and my neighbor David who said of course when I asked if I could do a load at his place.