I don’t know about you but for me these days so many conversations have become these armored field of landmines. I think I am having a conversation of sharing and I there is a blast of utter frustration lobbed at me in the knife point of the framework of polarized thinking. I get it and I am as guilty of it as anyone else around me.
Between the pandemic and the political climate everyone is on their last nerve. “Sigh,” It is easier to be quiet about politics and well the politicizing of a medical issue. Believe me I try. Which irritates everyone around me to some degree. They need to vent and I don’t feel comfortable in what I understand of the political aspects for those debates.
I have been accused of being out of touch more then once. The truth is I have an idea of what is going on and I do have some major bias in certain fields but I recognize that there is more nuances to each issue.
My big issue in general is about propaganda. How it permeates every aspect of our lives and all news syndicates. Since, everything has a spin I accept I am not really sure I know what is happening. When I decide to be informed I try to watch something from the right, the left, the commercial and several other countries to get all their spins on it. Only then do I feel like I have some idea of what is going on. I am usually still in doubt about the width and breath of it all.
For me I find most news stories are smoke screens. The barker pointing me to look one way why the bouncer tells me not to look behind the curtain, “You really don’t want to know how the sausage is made.” While there is statements that focus on Trumps character not his policies, claims that Democrats wanting to give everything away, People of color still not being treated as equal, transgenders just wanting to be acknowledged about who they are, and health advisories are some sort of fascist regime most real troubles of our country, and world remain unaddressed.
We have the technology and knowledge to feed, cloth and medicate the world yet many live in poverty. The scarcity model of economics is this hard line of any diversion is accused of some sort of deviant moral act. The war on educated people is caustic and strong. Because in the end educated people know they don’t know everything and that doesn’t make for good sound bites.
Couple of websites I would like to create if I had all the time and resources in the world:
The first one would be one devoted to all politicians. Which would list all policies they have voted on. The bills and legislation would be listed with all their affiliate contributors research and whys. There would be the politicians vote on it and why they made the vote they did. There are times when a bill sounds like a good idea but the pork added for favors to special interest is something someone can’t bring themselves to help support.
The second would be one on all statistics cited for arguments. A list of those studies. What their sample size was. What they did to get those statistics. How they thought their questions or data were interpreted and why.
I am a completely dependent person on society. I am painfully aware of it. My daughter’s medical needs are problematic when everything is running smoothly in the world. I need us all to get our collective shit together put our big pants on and stop approaching problems as sporting events. With teams rooting one way or another. Let’s get through the pandemic, free the kids at the border and let everyone working hard be able to pay all their bills. I know I am a rebel for saying this but no one should be facing homelessness over medical issues or choosing between medication to stay alive and food. Still happening by the way every day.
This is broken in the tribal world everyone is taken care of. Yes, we all died earlier but we hadn’t lost the sight on that we all need each other to survive. The idea that we are all little despots needs to put in a time out. I am not talking about altruism by the way. I am talking about acknowledging each other has worth.