I recently offered to make a print of one of the paintings I have for a series I hope to someday approach a place for a show. Because of that I am guarded with the images and don’t just show to anyone and I never put them on social media.
I read the guidelines about copyright when I started my Facebook account when you post anything there they get the copyright. In a moment of impulse because I have been curious I was thinking about offering up the ability for others to order a copy since this process will take some time.
The problem was how do I show the work and keep it from being pirated easily. It still can be but to help with that I took an ok picture of it took to photoshop and made it low resolution. Then put a layer that repeated the words JBachcopyright2020 over and over across it. It affects some of it but the idea is to give people an idea of the image not give my work away for others to profit on with no thought to me.
I went to post it on Facebook. Big grin on my face. It won’t post. So I put it here where it belongs on my website.

The subject is the Wave of the Phoenix. It features a bunch of birds from my first show Flock of Thoughts. Each bird represents an idea.
My divorce got in the way of this project but a goal for this year is to get the comic going and a line of clothing with the images.
More to come with this but if you are curious there is a sketchbook of them and their ideas available on amazon.
If you are interested in the print send me an email.