A couple of weeks ago I filled my stepbrother’s phone with irregular texts. Ones I think if we are being observed in texting would be red flags. “A person died in the fields and another in a building. They aren’t moving them they are just leaving them there. And they are slowly rotting!”
My stepbrother’s response was, “Yeah, they do that, have you dug graves yet?”
“I’m just trying to get them to have enough to food to survive right now they are all malnourished.” I texted back.
So, I fell into a new simulation game. It is called RimWorld. The premise is you have three crash landed colonist who have to find food, clothing, and shelter. They are all AI beings, and they generate conversations and other quirks. They have chores they prefer and others they don’t. Self-survivor doesn’t seem to be a natural skill either.
My stepbrother has been enjoying my questions as I navigate the subtleties of the game. The tutorial was bare minimal. I have the game on the easiest setting, and it took me four restarts to get a colony to actually survive. The first died from a rabid rat. The second from a raccoon. These creatures took them out grimly by mauling them and leaving them to bleed out in different parts of the wilderness. My third colony starved to death.
I now have a been progressing to surviving colony and the other bonus is the story simulation stuff. I had a new colonist with arrogant tendencies try to “tame” a sloth. He enraged the creature to the point where it took out the rest of my colonists. I had to go back to a previous save and regulated him away from all animals.
I asked my brother about the colonist partnering up. The dialogue shows a few flirting, and one is doing art that objectifies another in every situation. He told me they will eventually tell me they want to live together and have their own space instead of the dorm situations they are in.
The scenario that blew my mind was when one of the colonist got injured by a rabid ibex and I sent the most capable colonist to rescue injured one she shot the rescuer. So, then I had to pull in the arrogant visitor who only like to do melee combat to take out the Ibex while I asked the last colonist to get the other two back to the compound. A couple of things happened. The arrogant colonist took out the Ibex and ate it raw. Meanwhile the colonist that had shot her rescuer was filled with too much guilt to help her rescuer recover. She went to the alcohol stores and wandered the night drunk full of guilt. Meanwhile I had to get the one the least capable of nursing to nurse back the rescuer. The accuracy of these AIs blows my mind. I end up in random discussions with my stepbrother where we are just recounting stuff to one another.

Lastly, I have learned, no home is complete without three tamed llamas, two turkeys and one bison wandering around inside. Wild women are not easy to tame and most likely will lay down and die in your potato patch. Some visitors are rude instigators that drag your colonists in to fights of words and fists. One colonist got so angry she took out the chess board with a gun. She plays chess every day in her leisure time!
